Friday, January 19, 2007

betty ford and cadbury...

so, yesterday i stepped out for a bit to have a coffee with a friend of mine (also an artist) and he presented me with the 'biggest' chocolate bar i've seen!...and not the awful north american chocolate that tastes like, well i don't know exactly what to equate it with but i know it's not 'chocolate' in the good sense of the word...anyway, here it sits on my desk...i'm not sure if i want to indulge quite yet, it's so impressive in size and i'm afraid of just how long it will take for me to finish it...the scenario could go one of two ways, either it will last quite a while, say a couple of weeks or it will last just a few which case i would have to seek treatment at the betty ford clinic for chocolate addiction!...i think i would need more than 'twelve step programme' to help in burn off the tremendous amount of calories i've just ingested!...

in any case, i think i'll ponder the fate of the large cadbury bar while i figure out what i'm doing with the couch in the 'couch dogs' seems i'm stuck on the colour of the couch and it's frustrating somewhat...hmmm, chocolate might help to alleviate my mood and help me think clearly?...

ps...yes, that's a penny next to the chocolate bar 'for scale'...

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