Thursday, September 20, 2007

i'm still here...

it's been a month since i've last posted anything and what a month!...

here's a brief breakdown:

'semi' renovated the bedroom
painted the outside of the house
worked on the portraits of the 5 pugs from puerto rico
finished 10 very large-scale paintings of candy for a show that just happened last weekend
had a haircut
and many more things that i won't bore you with in this post...

the paintings of the pugs are simple wonderful...i can't wait to finish them to see all five paintings lined up side by side...i keep wanting to finish them asap but i have to remind myself that these are five separate portraits and normally that amount would take weeks to complete!...i'm just impatient as a rule...

the large-scale candy paintings are amazing if i do say so mentioned i had them in a weekend show here in the big smoke...i had terrific responses from the general public walking past my booth but no one purchased!!! it turns out not many of the 244 artists present at the highly publicised show sold much or anything at's pretty typical here in this city for people to 'really love' your work but not go that extra step and actually make a purchase...c'est la vie!...i'm going to shop these paintings to an american gallery and see what comes of it...more on this later...

back to the pugs!...


John Eaton said...

You're back, Lisa.



Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the pugs Lisa. The candy paintings look great - my sweet tooth is throbbing just looking at them.

It sounds as though you are really busy at the moment - I know exactly how you feel.