Monday, July 02, 2007


is it really THAT important for an artist to put on their website a listing of awards they have won?...does seeing the list make the viewer MORE interested in the artists' work?...and for those artists whom might never have been given an award for their work or simply don't subscribe to the idea of entering 'contests', does that make their work less 'important' or desirable than those who have won awards?...

i once had my work taped to the fridge when i was young because the teacher gave me a gold star...does that count?

2 comments: said...

I think the only thing that counts is the reaction of the recipient, that's reward and the only award that matters. The rest is all politicking and pretty distasteful in some cases.
Your work is fantastic and I'd give you more than 1 gold star!

The Lone Beader® said...

You bring up a good point. I'm in the process of designing my own website, and one of the pages was going to be dedicated to that... but not just that... more like a news page which includes info like publications, contests, charity, etc... I think people like to see what your latest accomplishments are, but if the list is very long, it could get monotanous... I dunno...